Financial translations

In over 20 years we have translated hundreds of annual, half-yearly and quarterly financial reports and financial press releases.

Our customers are above all listed companies or foreign multinationals that prepare periodical financial reports according to the international accounting and financial reporting standards (IAS/IFRS). Our translations thus apply the terminology used by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and implemented by EU regulations.

As regards technical sector terminology (banking, industrial, insurance and legal, etc.), we are ready to use glossaries agreed with customers.

Normally, the structure of annual financial reports and of other periodical financial documents does not change significantly from one year to another, particularly as regards prospectuses and the explanatory notes.

Their consequent partial repetitiveness enables us to make particularly competitive offers.Not infrequently, if they enter into multiannual framework agreements with us, our customers can benefit from double-digit percent discounts. The continuity of the relationship in fact enables us to recover the parts of text that are repetitions from previous translations. For the customer this means lower costs and faster delivery times!

Click here for a free estimate

UniMoney - Universal S.r.l.

Via Colico, 12
20158 Milano

Tel. (+39) 0239325878

Centro Galleria 1, Via Cantonale
6928 Manno

We developed a partnership with The Lantern Research SA to deal with Swiss customers

VAT number - Tax code - Company register number: 05019790962

Interpreting services at the events organised by: